Asseco has adapted KSI ZUS to important changes in law

Asseco Poland has efficiently implemented very significant modifications to the KSI ZUS system, which were necessary due to the lowering of the retirement age and the introduction of the so-called e-Contribution. The latter amendment is intended to reduce the costs of payers, simplify the process of paying contributions and limit errors in documents.
The first project concerned the adaptation of the system to the amended pension reform. The efficient implementation of the changes in the system allowed for timely payment of benefits to both existing and new beneficiaries. In the last quarter alone, over 424,000 applications for retirement pensions were submitted to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) due to the amendment of the act, which resulted in 395,000 decisions issued, out of which 313,000 were related to the payment of benefits. In this busy period, more than 37% of pension cases (i. e. over 140,000) were handled with the use of modern automation solutions, including Asseco ATA Studio. This allowed for significant support of ZUS employees in the timely execution of tasks entrusted to them. In addition, under the Maintenance Agreement, a process of continuous monitoring of services was carried out, enabling the performance of a number of analyses necessary for proper evaluation of the project implementation.
Asseco has also implemented the necessary modifications of KSI and, as an Integrator, has prepared the implementation under the e-Contribution project, aimed at introducing simplifications for business owners in terms of paying contributions to ZUS. From January 1, 2018, they can make all payments with a single transfer to a dedicated account number, without division into individual funds. The new method of making payments also eliminates the need for an additional description of transfers, thanks to which business owners are not obliged to indicate their identification data, the type of payment or the period the fee relates to. The method of settling payments on payers' accounts has also significantly changed - arrears are now covered first.
During a recent press conference, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy Elżbieta Rafalska pointed to the smooth and timely implementation of the projects. She emphasized that although the changes introduced in the system may have seemed to be simple, it was a demanding undertaking.
Asseco has played a significant role in this process also as an Integrator. Thanks to Asseco's comprehensive knowledge of the system and business needs of the Client, it has ensured the security of the implementation of the changes, which have been effectively integrated with the production system in use, without threats to the continuity of its operation.
The effective implementation of the changes by ZUS, which were connected with lowering the retirement age and the e-Contribution project, meant first of all major IT challenges. In combination with enormous time pressure, they were a test for the competence and experience of the Asseco team. I am pleased that our support has contributed to the success of the whole project, said Janusz Woźniak, Deputy Director of the System Maintenance Division at Asseco Poland.
The KSI ZUS system is the largest IT system in Poland, supporting 25 million people. Every day, 40,000 ZUS employees use the solution. The system is supplied annually with approximately 900 million documents and 55 million payments, and settles more than 360 billion zlotys in the accounts of insured persons and payers.
Asseco Poland is the largest Polish IT company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) and the sixth largest software producer in Europe. It is a leader of international Asseco Group, which operates in 54 countries and employs over 20,000 people. Asseco is the largest producer of software for the public sector in Poland. The company has built and implemented comprehensive systems for the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), the Ministry of Interior and Administration, the Ministry of National Education, the Supreme Chamber of Control (NIK), the Central Statistical Office (GUS), the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS), the Agricultural Property Agency (ARP) and the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMiGW). In addition, Asseco has been a trusted partner for many years for the power, telecommunication and healthcare services sectors, as well as uniformed services and local governments.