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Governing bodies

Board of Directors

Rafał Kozłowski

Rafał Kozłowski

CFO, Member of the Board

Since 2020, the President of the Management Board of Asseco Enterprise Solutions, responsible for the development of the ERP area in the Asseco Group, and a Vice President of the Management Board of Asseco Western Europe. He serves on the Boards of Directors (BoD) of Formula Systems and Asseco International. He is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Asseco Business Solutions, Asseco Solutions (Czech Republic), Asseco Solutions AG (Germany), GSTN Consulting and Aquapark Sopot. He is also a member of the Supervisory Board of DahliaMatic and a Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Asseco Solutions (Slovakia).
As a Vice President of Asseco Poland S.A. from 2012 to 2021 and the CFO of the Asseco Group, he was responsible for financial management. He served as a Vice President of Asseco South Eastern Europe S.A. from May 2008 to May 2012. During this period, he was directly involved in the acquisitions of the companies comprising the holding company Asseco South Eastern Europe, as well as in carrying out the holding company's IPO process on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE).
From 2007 to June 2009, he served as the Director of the Controlling and Investment Division at Asseco Poland S.A. From 2004 to 2006, he was the Director of the Treasury Department at Softbank S.A., where he was delegated to serve as a Vice President for Finance at subsidiary Sawan S.A. From 1996 to 1998, he was the CFO at Delta Software, and then, from 1998 to 2003, the Senior Manager at Veraudyt.
He is a graduate of the University of Warsaw, having received his master's degree from the Department of Organization and Management in 1998. He completed the Project Management Program organized by PMI in 2004, the International Accounting Standards Program organized by Ernst & Young Academy of Business in 2005-2006, and The Emerging CFO: Strategic Financial Leadership Program by Stanford GSB in 2019.
As Vice President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland S.A. he is responsible for the ERP area and international operations.
Jozef Klein

Jozef Klein

CEO & Chairman of the Board

Jozef Klein graduated in Theoretical Cybernetics and Mathematical Informatics from the Mathematics and Psychics Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava. He has worked for Asseco CE since 1996, first externally, and later as an internal employee in the position Product and Project Manager in the field of DWH & BI. He has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Asseco Central Europe in Slovakia since 2002, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Asseco Central Europe in the Czech Republic since 2009, simultaneously holding the position of CEO in both companies. Since December 2020, Jozef Klein has been the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Asseco Enterprise Solutions, a. s. and since November 2017, he has served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Asseco International, a. s. Jozef Klein acts as a Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Asseco Solutions Slovakia and as a member of the Supervisory Board in the companies: Asseco Solutions (CZ), Asseco Solutions AG (DE) and as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board in the companies Asseco South Eastern Europe, Asseco Central Europe Magyarország, Asseco CEIT, Asseco CE Cloud, exe, and EdgeCom. He won EY Entrepreneur Of The YearTM 2016 in the Slovak Republic.
Marek Panek

Marek Panek

Member of the Board

He is responsible for the Group Development Division and the EU Projects Office.
A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at the Rzeszów University of Technology, where he received his Master of Engineering degree in 1994. In 1995, he started working at COMP, and from 1995 he worked at Asseco Poland (former COMP Rzeszów), passing successive levels of professional development from the position of a Marketing Specialist through the Director of the Sales and Marketing Department, up to the position of a Member of the Management Board in 2004-2007.
Between 2016 and 2024, he served as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Asseco Resovia. Between 2015 and 2023, he served as a Member of the Supervisory Board at Sintagma.

Since March 22, 2007 he has held the position of a Vice President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland. He holds managerial positions in the Asseco Group companies: the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Formula Systems and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Nextbank Software. He is a Member of the Supervisory Board in the following companies: Asseco Lietuva, Asseco Central Europe (Slovakia), Asseco Central Europe (Czech Republic), Asseco Innovation Fund and adesso banking solutions. He is also the Chairman of the Management Board of GSTN Consulting and a Member of the Management Board of Asseco International.
Przemysław Sęczkowski

Przemysław Sęczkowski

Member of the Board

Przemyslaw Seczkowski graduated the Faculty of Economics at the University of Gdansk. In the years 1999–2001, he was the Deputy General Director for Economic and Financial Affairs at PPUP Poczta Polska, where he was responsible, among others, for for supervision over the Central Settlement Centre. In 2002 2003, he was the Director of the consulting company Concordia Sp. z o. o. He sat on the Supervisory Boards of, among others Impexmetal S.A. (1998-2001), PPUP Poczta Polska (1999-2002), PTE Pocztylion (2000-2002), NFI Zachodniego S.A. (2003-2004) and ABG S.A. (2005-2008).
He was a member of the Supervisory Board of Postdata S.A. (since 2004), Asseco South Eastern Europe S.A. (since 2007). Since 2008, he has been a Member of the Supervisory Board of Asseco Central Europe, a.s. He was the President of the Management Board of UAB Sintagma, Asseco Northern Europe S.A. and Vice-President of the Management Board of Asseco South Western Europe S.A. He was also the Vice President of Softbank (banking software) in 2004-2008.
From January 4, 2007 to February 1, 2018, he was the Vice-President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland S.A. He was responsible for the Capital Investments Division. He is still the President of the Management Board of Asseco Western Europe and Member of the Supervisory Board of Asseco Central Europe (SK). From November 1, 2017, he is a Member of the Management Board of Asseco International a.s.

Supervisory Board

Adam Góral

Adam Góral

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

He is responsible for the development vision and strategy of the Asseco Group and the Internal Audit Department.
The Founder and President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland. In 1991, he started developing COMP Rzeszów, which, after its listing on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) as Asseco Poland, became the leader of the Asseco Group's development in international markets.
He graduated from the Kraków University of Economics (majoring in economic cybernetics and computer science) and holds a doctorate in economic sciences. From 1979 to 1990, he worked at a branch of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Rzeszów, initially as an assistant and ending his cooperation with the university as an assistant professor. In 1991-1993, he was involved in the Polish-American Project for the Construction of Entrepreneurship Institutes in Poland.
Between 1999 and 2006, he served as the Chairman or a Member of the Supervisory Board at the following companies: ABAS and COMP Soft, as well as Softlab, Softlab Trade, WA-PRO, Asseco Romania, Vistula & Wólczanka, ABG (formerly DRQ) and Asseco Systems.
Between 2001 and 2024, he served as the Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic.
He currently serves as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Asseco International, Asseco Central Europe (Slovakia), Asseco Central Europe (Czech Republic), Asseco Western Europe, Asseco Data Systems and Asseco Cloud, as well as a Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Asseco South Eastern Europe and Asseco Business Solutions. He is a member of the Supervisory Board of Asseco Enterprise Solutions, Podkarpacki Business Club and a Member of the Supervisory Board at the Podkarpacki Employers' Association.
Jacek Duch

Jacek Duch

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

The graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, specializing in computer science, with extensive, long‑term experience in both technical software engineering and management in international and Polish IT companies.
He started his professional career during his doctoral studies by working at the software development center of Nixdorf Computer in Germany and later as the researcher at PSI AG in West Berlin. From 1978 to 1993, he worked for Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), where he led projects in Munich, Vienna, and Paris, among other places. Since 1989, he oversaw the establishment of DEC subsidiaries in Central European countries, including Poland.
From 1993 to 1998 he managed Oracle Poland and subsequently served on the Management Boards of Prokom Software and Prokom Internet as well as on numerous Supervisory Boards, including those of Postdata, Bank Pocztowy, PVT and Asseco Group companies (Asseco South Eastern Europe, Asseco Germany, Matrix42 AG and others). He participated in the work of sector-specific organizations: the American Chamber of Commerce, the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications, and the Polish Confederation of Private Employers.
He is the partner/shareholder of Allterpower, Bioalter, B88 International, Spider, Rezydencje Świerkocin SKY INWESTYCJE and R22. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Asseco Poland, R22 and Decsoft, as well as the Member of the Supervisory Boards of Asseco Data Systems, Asseco South Eastern Europe, Asseco International, Cyber Folks, DEFENSELAYERS, among others.
The Member of the Audit Committees of Asseco Poland, Asseco South Eastern Europe and R22.
Piotr Augustyniak

Piotr Augustyniak

Member of the Supervisory Board

The graduate of the University of Warsaw in English Philology (1990) and Management (1994).
From 1994 to 2011 he worked for Enterprise Investors (EI). As the Partner of EI (2006-2011) he was responsible for monitoring, listing companies on WSE, sale of significant stakes of EI portfolio companies on public and private markets. He represented EI as the Member of Supervisory Boards in the following public and private companies: Polfa Kutno, Energoaparatura, Elektrobudowa, Wizów, Sfinks, CSS, Bauma, Comp Rzeszów (now Asseco Poland), Agros Nova, Teta, Opoczno, AB, Siveco (Romania), STD Donivo (Slovakia), AVG Technologies (Netherlands).
In 2001 the President of the Management Board of Energoaparatura, delegated as part of his work at EI to restructure the company. In 1993-1994, he worked at the Ministry of Ownership Transformation, successively as the project manager and privatization team leader. In 1992-1993, he worked at the Ownership Transformation Foundation at the Ministry of Ownership Transformation.
In 2012-2021, he was the independent Member of Supervisory Boards in companies listed on the WSE: Mercor, Kopex, PZ Cormay and Ciech.
Currently, he is the Member of the Supervisory Board in Asseco Poland, Asseco Data Systems and Asseco International. The member of the Audit Committee of Asseco Poland.
Zbigniew Jagiełło

Zbigniew Jagiełło

Member of the Supervisory Board

For close to 30 years he has been actively involved in defining and implementing the most efficient operational standards in the financial services sector.
From September 2009 to June 2021 he led the biggest banking group in Central Europe – PKO Bank Polski. During his tenure, the old-fashioned bank was transformed into a dynamic fintech with a banking license and strengthened its market position in all segments of operation. Currently, the bank enjoys a leading position in all banking segments like retail, corporate, private, SME, mortgage and installments. In addition, PKO’s subsidiaries are the leaders in such segments as leasing, brokerage house, mutual and pension funds. PKO was acknowledged and rewarded multiple times by recognized international organizations for its rapid growth, digital services and security. Among others, it won “The Bank of the year” title by the Banker six times. PKO’s mobile payment solution BLIK has become the payment standard in Poland and is being used by all banks as well as MasterCard. In cooperation with Microsoft and Google, PKO has developed state of the art cloud computing solutions for Polish enterprises.
He was the Member of the Council of the Polish Bank Association and the prestigious Institute International D'Etudes Bancaires, an organization associating the international banking community. He is a member of other Supervisory Boards (Blik, MCI Capital, EkoEnergatyka).
He is currently a Member of the Supervisory Board in Asseco International, Asseco Data Systems and Asseco Cloud.