Asseco has signed an agreement with ZUS for the development and maintenance of the Electronic Services Platform

Asseco Poland has signed another important contract with the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS). The Company will be responsible for the development and maintenance of the Client Portal and the Service Bus (ESB). They operate within the Electronic Services Platform (PUE), which is provided by ZUS. The gross value of the contract is PLN 23.2 million and its execution is planned for 4 years.
PUE ZUS is a solution used on a daily basis by employers, insured persons, doctors, as well as beneficiaries. The system includes the ePłatnik (ePayer) application, which is used by payers to handle insurance documents, among others. In turn, employees, through PUE, have the possibility to use electronic handling of some of the applications, as well as to register a visit to any institution or to check whether an employer has registered them for insurance purposes. Finally, thanks to PUE, doctors can issue electronic medical certificates (e-ZLA), among others.
PUE ZUS is a convenient solution that provides contribution payers, the insured and benefit recipients with access to the most important information collected in ZUS in electronic form. But its development potential is much greater. In my opinion, the development of this type of electronic services is a necessity and an important element in the implementation of the e-state strategy. The state administration is increasingly more focused on modern electronic channels for direct contact with citizens, said Arkadiusz Wójcik, Director of the Social Insurance Division at Asseco Poland. I am glad that the Asseco teams are involved in the execution of such important projects, especially as they require a number of advanced competences and improved level of maintenance services. We are currently observing a recovery in the administration sector in terms of new IT projects and we are looking forward to the coming months with optimism. In the area responsible for serving the public sector alone, since the beginning of this year we have increased employment by about 10% and we are still looking for more people to join us, he added.
Last year, Asseco signed a number of important agreements with ZUS, both in terms of the scale of the implemented projects and their importance for the efficient functioning of the state. The Company introduced, among other things, key modifications in the Comprehensive Information System (KSI ZUS), related to the reduction of the retirement age of pensioners and the introduction of the so-called e-Contribution. The Company also signed an agreement to introduce changes to the Social Insurance Institution due to new regulations concerning the storage of employee records. Its value is PLN 24.5 million gross. Asseco also concluded a new framework agreement for the modification of the ZUS Comprehensive IT System (KSI ZUS). The contract worth almost PLN 350 million gross will be executed over a period of 4 years - Asseco, as one of the two suppliers, will apply for individual projects under mini-tenders.
Asseco is the largest Polish IT company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) and the 6th largest producer of software in Europe. It leads international Asseco Group, which operates in 53 countries and employs over 24,000 people. Asseco is the largest producer of software for the public sector in Poland. The company has built and implemented comprehensive systems for, among others, the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), the Ministry of Interior and Administration, the Ministry of National Education, the Supreme Chamber of Control (NIK), the Central Statistical Office (GUS), the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS), the Agricultural Property Agency (ANR) or the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMiGW). In addition, for many years Asseco has been a trusted partner for the power industry, the telecommunication and healthcare sectors, the uniformed services, and local governments.